During this time of gratitude, it is also time for the
Ridge and Valley Charter School’s Annual Appeal
Please Give Generously!
Dear RVCS Families, Alumni and Friends,
When I think of my children or the children I love receiving their education at Ridge and Valley Charter School I am filled with gratitude. I feel fortunate my children have this educational opportunity and I am moved to action. Here’s why:
The Annual Appeal helps fulfill RVCS budget’s fundraising line required by the Department of Education. It is also the primary indicator foundations, commercial lenders, and cooperating organizations use when considering their support. The percentage of families who respond to the annual fundraising appeal is important!!! Contributing makes a statement that our families want RVCS to continue serving our community and to do so within the context of its mission.
100% of your donation goes to Ridge and Valley Charter School and contributions through Ridge and Valley Learning Circles, our 501c3 non profit, are tax deductible! Funds from this year’s appeal will go toward providing the rich, educational experiences received at RVCS and helping smooth the ups and downs of charter school financing.
RVCS intentionally declines fundraising gimmicks where the school gets back a percentage of the money brought in. Instead, they ask for your generosity and your love through its annual appeal where 100% of your donation goes directly to the school!
Please go to www.RVLearningCircles.org to make a one time contribution or become a Sustaining Supportive Family by clicking on the “Recurring Payment” pledge button! Sustaining Supportive Families can contribute any amount on a monthly basis that will be deducted automatically over a period of time. Families can also bring or mail a check, made out to RVLC, to the office once or several times throughout the year.
Thank you for your generosity. Feel welcome and encouraged to share this with others in your family and with your company’s employee matching program too.
Be well and enjoy this pretty Planet,
Donna M. Best
on behalf of Ridge and Valley Learning Circles
RVLC is a 501.c3 non-profit who, as part of its mission, provides support through fundraising activities to the Ridge and Valley Charter School. Check us out at www.RVLearningCircles.org